3/19/2020 GRDA Floodwater Release Bulletin

At 4PM on Thursday, March 19:

  • Grand Lake elevation was 746.10 feet.
  • At the direction of the United States Army Corps of Engineers, five (5) main spillway gates and six (6) east spillway gates were open at Pensacola Dam, discharging 54,910 cubic feet per second (cfs) of water.
  • Six (6) units were online at the Pensacola Dam powerhouse, releasing 13,431 cfs of water through generation.
  • Releases through floodgates and generation totaled 68,341 cfs.
  • Inflows into Grand Lake totaled 67,132 cfs.
  • Lake Hudson elevation was 625.50 feet.
  • At the direction of the United States Army Corps of Engineers, three (3) gates were open at Robert S. Kerr Dam, discharging 38,599 cfs of water.
  • Four (4) units were online at the Robert S. Kerr Dam powerhouse releasing 31,860 cfs of water.
  • Releases through generation and floodgates totaled 70,459 cfs.
  • Inflows into Lake Hudson totaled 85,913 cfs.


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