Shows On Our Faces by Jewels From The Word

I saw and article in a magazine recently, with photos of eight famous people 65 years old or older. There are three women and five men. None are beautiful or handsome according to the world's standards. The nicest looking man has badly bushed and wiry eyebrows that if I were his wife would be clipped and tamed down before he ever appeared in public.
Five out of the eight have droopy eyelids, just like me. All eight have crow's feet. Three have deep wrinkles on their forehead, three have light wrinkles, and two have probably had Botox and face lifts. They all have laugh wrinkles near their mouths. You might know two if you met them on the street, and you would probably recognize three others, but the other three faces are not as well known.
Facebook and other websites have facial recognition, but that’s nothing new. Our brain seizes on the features of another person's face and runs those features through a mental database in our brain to match that person up with an image in our brain of someone we know.
If you consider that you have met thousands of people in your lifetime, it is no wonder you have trouble remembering who people are. I always say, "I recognize your face, but can't remember your name."
In First Samuel 16:7, God told Samuel, "For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

All of those eight people in those magazine photos had sparkles in their eyes and smiles on their lips. I don't presume to know their hearts, but it is obvious by the way they look that they have lived their lives rather than just existing. 
If you look at my old photos, you will see the same person that I am today. I have changed in many ways, but I am recognizable. That same sparkle in my eyes and smile on my lips show on my face today. I hope my face reflects who I have become on the inside.
I hope the love in my heart shows on my face.
Lavon Hightower Lewis
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Remember this: "For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." 1st Samuel 16:7


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