Grove Rotary Foundation Grant Helps Build Puppy Enrichment Center at SCPR

Pictured is Kim Nelson, Shelter Manager, receiving a $2,500 Grant from Rotarian Kelsie Geister

Anytime there is a large dog/cat population in an animal shelter, there is a risk that illness or contagious disease can quickly spread exposing the entire animal population to potentially life-threatening illnesses.  Factors, such as the constant introduction of unknown animals into the shelter environment and the aging of a shelter facility, make disease transmission a very serious concern for shelters.
With the new Shelter Expansion Addition now completed, Second Chance Pet Rescue was able to recently complete a separate "Puppy Enrichment Center" made possible through a $2,500 grant received from Grove, Oklahoma, Rotary Foundation, Inc.  Recent re-purposing of a room previously used as an Isolation Ward in the original shelter building has been renovated to six indoor/outdoor runs dedicated to care for puppies only.  Renovations consisted of the installation of concrete block walls to separate puppy kennels, concrete drains tied into existing drains, and a concrete side yard to cover any possible contaminated soil. 
All of the puppies at Second Chance Pet Rescue can now be safely housed and protected from bacteria and infectious diseases that are easily transmitted from one puppy to the next.  Indoor/outdoor runs with fresh air and sunlight are for the proper growth and health of a puppy.  The use of a doggie door to go outside also aids in the potty training process which is an asset in re-homing the puppies.
Second Chance Pet Rescue is very appreciative of the Grove Rotary Club for helping make this Puppy Enrichment Center possible.  Second Chance Pet Rescue is a life-saving, non-profit animal rescue organization that relies on private donations to continue its mission to provide a safe and nurturing environment for the homeless animals of Northeast Oklahoma.  Please help by mailing your tax-deductible donation to P.O. Box 451205. Grove, OK  74345 or go online via website to donate electronically.  


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