Help Becker from Second Chance Pet Rescue Find a "Shiny New Start in 2019"

Becker is a wonderful example of a shelter rescue residing at Second Chance Pet Rescue looking for his forever family in 2019.  With the beginning of the New Year, a giant basket of eight 12-week old puppies were brought to the shelter who all need good and loving homes.  The litter consists of both males and females that may be Swiss Mountain Dog mixes.  All of the eight puppies will be big dogs and all seem to have big personalities.  Becker is active and playful, loves everyone, and doesn't seem to fear anything.   These puppies are for people with big yards, who are active and like big-hearted and big in stature dogs.

On, check out the rest of this litter,  which consists of Bartholemieux, Bea, Beethoven,  Bellamy, Bethany, Bindi, and Bellatrix.  If you are interested in learning more about Becker and his seven litter mates, please contact the shelter at 918-786-7630

Please visit Second Chance Pet Rescue shelter if you are interested in adopting a shelter pet in 2019.  Each shelter animal has a story of their own to share, but all they want is a home and a "shiny new start" to life.  Brimming with excitement, a newly adopted dog's first day home gives him an important first impression.  Second Chance Pet Rescue offers these tips for a bright new beginning for your newly adopted shelter pet:

1.  Have a canine-proof confinement area ready to introduce on day one.  Even if adopting an adult dog, you will want to confine her while unsupervised to prevent mishaps.  This area could be a crate or gated kitchen/laundry room with her bed, water, toys, and chew things.
2.  Make rules in advance and stick to them from the start.  If you prefer your dog stay off the couch, putting this rule into effect the first day will cause less confusion later.
3.  Schedule plenty of potty breaks.  Even house trained dogs sometimes slip in new environments, so take her outside more often than you normally would when she first arrives.
4.  Give your new pet time alone.  If you bring your dog home on a Friday and shower her with nonstop attention all weekend, when you leave her alone come Monday, she may go from "bliss to the abyss".  A few five-minute solitary stints the first day (progressing to an hour the next), will help avert separation anxiety.
Visit the Second Chance Pet Rescue shelter located two miles east of downtown Grove on Highway 10 to see all of the wonderful animals waiting for adoption.  Visit its website at or Facebook to see pictures of some of the available dogs and cats hoping for a "shiny new start".  And you can help Second Chance Pet Rescue by mailing your tax-deductible monetary donation to P.O. Box 451205, Grove, OK   74345 or donate electronically via its secure website.


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