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The Best Thing by Jewels From The Word

The Best Thing
What do you believe is the best thing that can happen to you this year? Winning the lottery? Falling in love with Mr. Right?  Graduating? Moving into that special Dream House? Having a baby? Lose Weight? Get out of debt? "If I could just have _____, I would be happy."
We all have hopes and dreams, longings to be fulfilled which we hope will bring happiness. We believe that if this or that happens, we can finally be happy. The word ‘happiness’ and the word ‘happening’ both come from the same root word. These words indicate that circumstances determine how we feel. We expect to find happiness based on our circumstances.
However, God steps into the midst of what is happening when we pray "Father, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10. And that changes everything.
This is one of the most powerful prayers, because you are handing the whole thing over to God. When you pray this way, you are telling God, "I trust you to give me the very best thing for me, the thing that maybe I wouldn't pick out for myself. I trust you, Father, to know more about me and this situation than I do, so I will leave it all up to you. Lord, let it be unto me according to your will, your word."
I choose to be happy, right here, right now, this very moment. Happiness is a choice. In spite of the circumstances, I can love my spouse. In spite of troubles, I can have joy. In the midst of war, I can have peace.
This is the best thing that could ever happen to me, not just this year, but the next, and the one after that, and the one after that, until the day I die.
I choose God's will and then I choose to be happy.

Lavon Hightower Lewis
Email me at llewis2138@sbcglobal.net
To read more devotionals, go to http://www.jewelsfromtheword.com


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