Learning to LIKE numbers
By the numbers was never a favorite phrase of mine until three years ago. At first, I was not what you would call an enthusiastic student when it came to keeping track of dogs transferred, municipal partner shelters, number of spay/neuters, number of spay/neuter clinics, cost per animal, and lots of other “numbers”.
Even though today I sometimes drive the staff bonkers because I wrote a number down and can’t find it, someone sent me an email with the numbers I needed and I did not file it appropriately….lots of excuses… but the reality is numbers matter.
It started with shelter animals count - - - you enter the statistical information, by month, and everyone who’s a member can see the results. Frankly, it is one of the most important websites for any organization involved in animal rescue. Funders check it out - - as do your colleagues in the world of rescue. Honestly, it means you’re making your information available to anyone who accesses the website.
The flip side is - - - suddenly the numbers show just the progress you’ve made and that’s a good thing. For PAAS, it is the number of dogs who make the trip to Colorado….. and it is our partners who join our Coalition on Shelter Animals Count. The numbers have to add up. Then, when you get the privilege of having spay/neuter clinics on a regular basis, the numbers begin to really make you smile.
Yes, I like numbers. Yes, you’re never to old to learn something new. Yes they measure our success and that success is available online - - - for everyone.
Our goal is for 2020 to be our best year yet. Stay tuned.